Sunday, January 24, 2010

Identity Crisis

So you know how they say, "looks aren't everything"? Well, of course that's true, but I never realized how much someone's looks could affect how you feel about her. I am referring to the fact that my step-daughter looks sooooooo much like her mother! The older she gets, the more she resembles my husband's ex and everytime I see her lately, I struggle because I realize that I shouldn't hold that against her. Actually, it really isn't all about the physical appearance. It's really more about her mannerisms. She's beginning to sound, act, and think more like her mother all the time.
I suppose that is the beauty of procreation...people have children who end up having so many of their own characteristics, it's amazing. But for this step-mom, the challenge is remembering that the daughter is NOT the mother, even if it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference.
My step-daughter is beginning to shift from little girl to teenager. In the process, she's getting a life of her own, so to speak. Her interests change constantly, and her attitude is predictable, so it's really tough to get to know the "real" her these days. I guess, while she's trying to figure out exactly who she is and what she's really all about, I will do my best to give her the courtesy of not assuming that she is just like her mother...even though sometimes it's tough to tell the difference.
Please share your stories about the "look-alikes" in your life:)

1 comment:

  1. Whenever you want to talk, just give me a call. You have all my numbers. Hang in there and remember that you are better than the ex and you have a huge family that knows it, loves you, and supports you, always! ... Dar
