Friday, July 8, 2011

Time to Think

I spend a great deal of time thinking about various issues involving the kids. It might be something I wish I hadn't said or done, or maybe something I wish they hadn't said or done. It might be making plans for our next visit, or wondering if they had a good time during the last visit.

My husband has said that I have an obsession. It's easy to let your mind just go, but at some point, you catch yourself dwelling too long on things over which you have no control. Since no good can come from that, I've learned to ask myself, "What can you do about it?" Most of the time, the answer is, "Nothing" or, "It's really none of my business."

I think the key is to interrupt the mental boondoggle and put things into perspective. When we take the kids back to their mother on Sunday night, I have two whole weeks before I really have to focus on them again. Why should I spend the majority of that time pondering all of the what-ifs and maybes that I'll probably forget about anyway by the time I pick them up again?

The phrase that sums it up best is, "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it." As much as I care about the kids, I've got plenty of other things to think about in the meantime.

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